Friday, July 17, 2015

Atonement Position Statement

When our Heavenly Father designed the plan of salvation for us it had three main pillars.  First there had to be a creation, a place created for us to live and be tested as well as the creation of man's mortal body.  Then there had to be a fall for men to come into existence and begin the testing process. Finally, God knew that we would all make mistakes and we would need a Savior to redeem us from our sins.  Jesus Christ volunteered to fill that role.  He came to earth and gave us the perfect example to live by.  He taught us the gospel and what was required for us to return back to God's care.  Then He paid the ultimate sacrifice by suffering for our sins and laying down His life so we could repent and be resurrected. His gift is offered freely to all of us, simply because God loves us.  The way we accept the gift is through repentance.  When we make a mistake, and we all do on a daily basis it is our responsibility to recognize those mistakes and repent.  When we repent it activates the power of the atonement and allows our sins to be wiped away giving us a clean slate to start again.  Through the atonement the Lord perfectly understands all our pains, sicknesses, weaknesses, and sorrows, and can offer us comfort for them.  The atonement also has an enabling power that helps us to be able to forgive others and to master hardships in our lives.  Without the atonement we could not return to our Heavenly Father.  No matter how small the sin, we would be barred from reentry and would be damned to a life of misery.  I am so grateful for the power of the atonement in my life.

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