Friday, June 26, 2015

Joy Through Service and Optimism

One source of joy is service, for when you are busy helping others, you will have less capacity to agonize over your own shortcomings. The Savior wisely taught, “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.” 27 

You will experience greater joy in life as you eradicate adult-onset pessimism and substitute childlike optimism. Optimism is a virtue that allows us to see God’s loving hand in the details of our life. A favorite hymn counsels, “Count your many blessings; see what God hath done.” 28 

Elder Anthony Perkins - October 2006 General Conference "The Great and Wonderful Love"

Forgive All Men

Jesus said, “I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men.” 19 ‍ Start with yourself, and forgive others as well. If God will not remember our repented-of sins, 20 ‍ then why should we? Avoid wasting time and energy reliving the past.

Our Father in Heaven is saddened when we limit the power of His Son’s atoning sacrifice. As you exercise faith in Jesus Christ, you can have your guilt “swept away.” 22 ‍ If guilt remains after sincere repentance, believe your priesthood leaders when they declare you to be worthy. 23 

Elder Anthony Perkins - October 2006 General Conference "The Great and Wonderful Love"

Cheerfully Do All Things

Jesus Christ has commanded us, “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.” 12 ‍ Doubt, fear, and worry indicate we have taken all of life’s burdens and anxieties on ourselves. When plagued by thoughts that you are inadequate, confidently say, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” 13 ‍ Then as you “cheerfully do all things that lie in [your] power,” 14 ‍ you can rest assured that the Lord will do the remainder and things will work out all right.

Elder Anthony Perkins - October 2006 General Conference "The Great and Wonderful Love"

The Worth of Souls is Great

God the Father‍ is merciful and has infinite love for you despite your faults. Only the voice of Satan will cause you to feel of no value. In contrast, the Holy Ghost will cause you to feel “godly sorrow” 10 ‍ unto repentance in a manner that fills you with hope of positive change.

When you feel worthless, “remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.” 11 ‍ Refrain from repeatedly thinking or saying negative words about yourself—there is a clear difference between humility and humiliation. Identify and use your unique talents rather than dwelling on your weaknesses.

Elder Anthony Perkins - October 2006 General Conference "The Great and Wonderful Love"

Remember Them No More

The Atonement is not a general thing that is for the whole Church. The Atonement is individual, and if you have something that is bothering you—sometimes so long ago you can hardly remember it—put the Atonement to work. It will clean it up, and you, as does He, will remember your sins no more. 

President Boyd K. Packer- April 2015 General Conference “The Plan of Happiness”

Forgiveness Means Forgiveness

Sometimes, even after confession and paying penalties, the most difficult part of repentance is to forgive one’s self. You must come to know that forgiveness‍ means forgiveness.

President Boyd K. Packer - October 2010 General Conference "Cleansing the Inner Vessel"

Don't Look Back

In turn, he asked her to read to him from the Old Testament the account of Lot’s wife, who was turned to a pillar of salt. Then he asked her, “What lesson do you gain from those verses?”"

She answered, “The Lord will destroy the wicked.”

“Not so!” President Smith said that the lesson for this repentant woman and for you is “Don’t look back!” 

President Boyd K. Packer - October 2010 General Conference "Cleansing the Inner Vessel"

Needless Suffering

When memory of past mistakes encroaches upon your mind, turn your thoughts to the Redeemer and to the miracle of forgiveness with the renewal that comes through Him. Your depression and suffering will be replaced by peace, joy, and gratitude‍ for His love.

How difficult it must be for Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, to see so many needlessly suffer, because His gift of repentance is ignored. It must pain Him deeply to see the pointless agony both in this life and beyond the veil that accompany the unrepentant sinner after all He did so that we need not suffer.

Elder Richard G. Scott - October 2000 General Conference "The Path to Peace and Joy"

Let it Go

To you who have sincerely repented yet continue to feel the burden of guilt, realize that to continue to suffer for sins when there has been proper repentance and forgiveness of the Lord is prompted by the master of deceit. Lucifer will encourage you to continue to relive the details of past mistakes, knowing that such thoughts can hamper your progress. Thus he attempts to tie strings to the mind and body so that he can manipulate you like a puppet to discourage personal achievement.

Elder Richard G. Scott - October 2000 General Conference "The Path to Peace and Joy"