Thursday, May 28, 2015

My Thoughts on the Life and Testimony of Dieter F. Uchtdorf

President Uchtdorf’s life is especially impressive because you can tell that the Lord protected and preserved him for his special mission.  There were so many times that his family was in danger but because of promptings from the Spirit and a very courageous mother who listened to those promptings he was kept safe.  I was also impressed at Elder Uchtdorf’s determination.  From a young age he had specific goals and worked hard to achieve them.  He achieved things that to most people would have just been an unreachable dream.  He lived a life that made him responsible and dependable, and he achieved positions of trust much younger than most.  He was not only faithful and dependable to earthly authority, but he also knew what his priorities were and he served the Lord faithfully.  I have always been impressed by the talks that he writes and the way he has of pulling you into the topic he is addressing.  

President Uchtdorf’s testimony about God’s power is magnificent.  I love how he talks about the miracles of the earth and space and then puts them into perspective by testifying that they are insignificant compared to the miracle of Christ and his sacrifice.  His testimony practically beams from him without him even needing to say a word.  His countenance is truly as the Savior’s.  You can tell that he believes in Christ and loves Him with his whole being.  You can tell that all of the experiences in his life have taught him the reality and the majesty of Jesus Christ and the Father. 

My Thoughts on the Life and Testimony of Henry B. Eyring

President Eyring strikes me as a man who loves education.  He was eager to learn and even when he realized Physics wasn’t his passion he still finished his degree before moving on to something else.  The other thing that is inspiring about President Eyring is that money is not the most important thing to him.  You can tell from the big choices in his life that he was willing to do what the Lord wanted him to do rather than to follow the money or prestige the world offered him.  I also admire how humble he was and how willing he was to go to the Lord for answers.  Even after he was given advice by men and women he respected the final decision always lay with the Lord.  You can tell that the Lord is his best and most trusted confidant.  It was also interesting to note all of the contact he had early on with leaders in the church.  I didn’t know he was President Kimball’s nephew.

Everything about President Eyring’s testimony points back to his love and devotion to God the Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. I love his tenderness and the emotion that always comes into his voice as he bears witness of them.  He has such a powerful testimony of them and their reality.  He testifies beautifully of their love for us.  He is sensitive to spiritual things and has taken the time to grow that spirituality so.  His life is a testament that he has worked hard to foster the spirituality that emanates from him.  He also has a powerful testimony of prayer and of a personal relationship with God.  That was obvious from the experiences in his life.  It makes me want to grow closer to my Heavenly Father and to my brother, Jesus Christ.

My Thoughts on the Life and Testimony of Thomas S. Monson

The thing that impresses me the most about President Monson’s life is how much he loves and serves people.  From a young age he was able to recognize the needs of others, including the primary teacher who was hurting because of the misbehavior of her class.  Not only did he recognize them but he wanted to help.  I was impressed by how people were and are drawn to him.  It says so much about him that he was able to find so many lost sheep and bring them back to the fold.  Even as a teen he was able to show enough sincere concern for them to respond to his invitations.  How amazing that he not only feels the promptings but that he also makes the time to act on them.
President Monson has a powerful testimony of service, of the scriptures, and of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I love listening to him talk about the Savior.  You can tell that not only does he worship Him, but it’s more than just that.  It is so easy to see that they are truly friends.  He loves Him.  He talks to Him.  He serves out of love for Him.  I also was touched by His testimony about prayer.  You can tell that it is by personal experience that he knows God hears and answers our prayers.  He also testifies that many of those prayers are answered through us.  President Monson is an incredible example of the truth of that.  What an amazing way he has of teaching us that God does work through us, and the better we listen the more he will talk to us and use us as His hands.

My Thoughts on Choosing Happiness by Embracing Challenges

Life is not easy for any of us.  We all have our trials and our burdens.  God allows these things to come into our lives because they strengthen and refine us and make us fit for His kingdom.  If we fight against them we will be miserable.  If we learn to embrace them as President Kimball did, we can experience tremendous growth, understanding, and peace in our lives. The Lord loves us.  He sees potential in us that we cannot even comprehend.  If we trust Him and allow Him to work in our lives we cannot even imagine the ways He will strengthen and bless us.  Trials are either stumbling blocks or stepping stones and only we can control what they will be for us in our lives.

Joy Regardless of our Conditions

If we have faith in Jesus Christ, the hardest as well as the easiest times in life can be a blessing. In all conditions, we can choose the right with the guidance of the Spirit. We have the gospel of Jesus Christ to shape and guide our lives if we choose it.”

President Henry B. Eyring - April 2012 General Conference "Mountains to Climb"